what we've done lately.
After commencing arbitration, sb2 recovers $1.6 mm from MCO for two of client’s behavioral healthcare facilities.
sb2 successfully fends off MCO’s attempt to unilaterally change daily rate for skilled nursing care, saving client approximately $11,000 per day.
sb2 uses proprietary strategy to recover $917,194.00 from MCO for long time client.
ALJ agrees that sb2’s DAR survives death of resident overruling county’s jurisdictional challenges.
sb2 uses civil litigation to force resident’s POA to qualify resident for Medicaid and turn over monthly patient pay liability.
In response to issues raised by sb2, CMS agrees to investigate whether state’s redetermination denials comply with federal law.
Days before hearing on sb2’s appeal, contesting denial of resident’s Medicaid application for failing to provide requisite verification, county approves application with full retroactivity.
Probate Court agrees with sb2 and blocks beneficiaries of estate from pursuing alleged fraudulent billing claims against client.
sb2 relies on CMS Regulations to overcome excess resources to qualify current resident for Medicaid effective June ’24.
sb2 uses Undue Hardship Waiver (UHW) to unwind $125k period of ineligibility based on alleged transfer of assets for Medicaid planning purposes.
Appellate court again agrees with sb2 that client has standing to represent current resident, rebuffing AG’s attempt to dismiss the firm’s most recent Medicaid appeal.
In response to sb2’s CMS administrative complaint, state employs additional resources to clear backlog of long-pending applications for Medicaid.
Although county failed to file appeal summary or attend hearing, ALJ holds hearing and agrees with sb2 that denial of resident’s application was in error, granting full Medicaid retroactivity.
sb2 appeals long pending application and secures conditional Medicaid eligibility for current resident, erasing $60k Medicaid coverage gap.