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what we've done lately.

After commencing arbitration, sb2 recovers $1.6 mm from MCO for two of client’s behavioral healthcare facilities.


sb2 successfully fends off MCO’s attempt to unilaterally change daily rate for skilled nursing care, saving client approximately $11,000 per day.


sb2 uses proprietary strategy to recover $917,194.00 from MCO for long time client.


Day before state hearing on appeal challenging denial of current resident’s Medicaid application, case worker issues notice of action approving benefits with full retroactivity.



sb2 helps client secure provisional eligibility for resident whose application for Medicaid pended longer than allowed by the applicable CMS regulation.



Board of review agrees to open dismissed appeal hearing based on sb2’s appeal challenging the constitutionality of the ALJ’s actions.



The day before appealing hearing, challenging the CAO’s failure to grant full Medicaid retroactivity, caseworker issues new notice of eligibility with proper effective date.



Administrative Law Judge agrees with sb2 and orders county to approve current resident’s application back to December 2023, based on violation of CMS Regulation.



For large assisted living provider and client for over 20 years, sb2 uses petition filed with the court to recover $38k.



In a first, trial court agrees with sb2 and denies hospital’s attempt to dismiss lawsuit seeking damages for not disclosing that resident was an undocumented migrant ineligible for Medicaid.



sb2 again uses CMS Regulations & Rehabilitation Act to qualify current resident for Medicaid benefits effective October ’23.



sb2 uses federal administrative complaints to force start processing delayed Medicaid applications, resulting in significant cash flow increase for client.



For longtime client with dozens of assisted living facilities throughout the Northeast, sb2 recovers $38k.



sb2 uses motion to compel current resident’s responsible party to spend down nearly $80k at facility and apply for Medicaid.

