
sb2 Virtual Conference: Medicaid/Medicare Administrative Appeals: Exploring the Pros and Cons of Provider Staff or Consultants Handling Appeal Hearings. Although seemingly informal, administrative appeal hearings are anything but. They are civil litigation proceedings governed by the rules of evidence and civil procedure. Failing to preserve issues, submit evidence, and place objections on the record can […]

[sb2 Webcast] Revisiting the 7 Must-Have Documents for an Effective Medicaid/Medicare Eligibility Program. Registration Page.      

MEDICAID RENEWALS POST-PHE LIVE WEBINAR Presented by sb2 Managing Partner, Chad Bogar Learn what is in the recently issued CMS bulletin to states that strongly cautions them on how to handle Medicaid renewals when the public health emergency ends— and how to use it to protect your revenue stream. Ensure that timely and accurate eligibility […]

sb2 ANNUAL VIRTUAL CONFERENCE 2023: Medicaid Renewals & Recoupments Post PHE. Learn what’s in the recently issued CMS bulletins to states that strongly cautions them on how to handle Medicaid renewals when the public health emergency ends— and how to use it to protect your revenue stream. Following the end of the PHE, providers will […]